Boyfriend is too afraid to have sex with me...

Courtney • • 25 years old • FTM • Baby girl born 1/19 at 27 weeks • Preemie mom • Unexpected pregnancy; IUD expulsion. (Didn’t feel it expel)! First child 💞

It was obviously never a problem before I got pregnant. I’m 13 weeks and last time we attempted to have sex, I was 4 weeks. 2 months without sex! For some women it’s fine, but I want it. It’s mostly the hormones but I feel disgusting and worthless that my boyfriend won’t have sex with me. His exact words were, “I’m attracted to you, I’m not attracted to a baby growing in your belly though. It’s a beautiful thing but give me a break you know this shit low key kinda freaks me out.” I’ve assured him numerous times that it won’t do anything to the baby and it won’t feel any different. I was just wondering if others could share their experience with this. It would be greatly appreciated.. thank you.