MARRIED PEOPLE: Are you a victim of restroom time abuse??

Frustrated rant but curious of other people's stories.

My husband is RIDICULOUS when it comes to his bathroom time.

When we first started dating, I noticed that he would be in the bathroom for a long time. Like longer than just doing your business and getting out. I just shrugged it off, assuming he was still insecure when he was in the restroom while I was at his house.

Well when we moved in together, it got worse. He would go use the bathroom at random times, but would stay in there for a couple of hours!

He started to run the sink water while he was in there, I'm guessing to mask the sound of him actually using the restroom..?

Well we have been living together for 4 years now and are married, yet he still does this. I've mentioned it to him and he gets defensive about his personal time, which I respect but also wonder WHY THE FUCK it takes 2 hours to take a shit and/or a piss and GTFO!

I know of other men that does this as well, but only for like 30 minutes. If that.

I don't understand why someone would want to literally sit on the toilet takee on their phone, or whatever, for an hour or two! My ass would be numb after 10 minutes! 😬

Why the hell does anyone do this?!?!

There must be more women (or men) out there with similar stories!

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