Vitamin C??

So I looked over a research article last night that studied the effects of high doses of vit c on the luteal phase and the results indicated that a little over 25% of the women involved experienced an increase in the number of days in their luteal phase. All the women had lp defects. I also found a few more sites that suggested vit c, in larger amounts, can increase the luteal phase.

So today I did a search on here for Vitamin C, just to see what others may have experienced with it, and all I can really find is posts asking about inducing periods and abortions with vitamin C. That's the complete opposite of what I was reading last night! Now I'm REALLY unsure about giving it a try! I already take B vitamins after ovulation and they've gotten me up to an 8 day luteal phase but obviously that's not going to cut it. And I want to avoid having to take progesterone unless I'm already pregnant and trying to avoid miscarriage.

So what's the deal with Vitamin C? Does it help or hinder the chances of pregnancy?