Our miracle baby 💙👪👶 finally home. *update


**update March 2019. Just wanted to show the glow family my little man since I last posted ^.^ already 9 months 😁😁😁💙

When I got pregnant, at 18 weeks we found out I had an incompetent cervix. I had a cerclage done that same day. At 23 weeks I was admitted to the hospital because at my check up appointment they told me my sack was coming out, I was high risk. I was admitted and stayed only 4 days because on the fourth day at the hospital my water broke at 9pm and at 9 am our baby boy was born. Our son was born at 23 weeks and 5 days weighing only 1 lb and 8 ounces. We were scared, we cried, we were in a roller coaster of emotions. There were days when the doctors would tell us to pray because he was very sick. We would see him every day, 30-45 min away from home didn't stop us. I would cry on the way back from the hospital and my husband would place his hand on my face and say it was okay. 126 days later from being in the NICU, our baby boy is finally home, weighing 7 lbs and 14 ounces. God is amazing and I am forever grateful for our miracle baby 💙👪👶😍

Our baby boy when he was born 💙

126 days later when he came home 💙👪 Thank you God for giving us a piece of heaven.

Our miracle baby giving us a stronger bond than ever. 💙💙💙

I want to thank everyone who responded to my post ❤❤❤ made me cry knowing this is real and he is home, finally I have been enjoying what used to be my little peanut lol I am a first time mom and had never wanted to have sleepless night so bad! I am in love 💙 Doctors and nurses dedicated to save our little ones are miracle workers, God is amazing 💙 God bless everyone ❤😊


For those of you asking, after a week my son was born he started having seizures. He was put on 5 medications for seizures. MRI scans came back negative, no blood in the brain. Lumbar puncture results came back negative, no infections in the brain or blood. Little by little the seizures started to go away until they reported there were no more. Praise God. After he wasn't intubated anymore, he went on to having the cbap which then led to the nasal cannula until finally nothing! Because he was intubated for so long though one of his vocal cords were paralyzed and the other was half way paralyzed. After some time after a follow up. One side is completely healed and the other partially paralyzed but slowly recovering. Physically, the pediatrician said he is perfect and doesn't look like he was born at 23 weeks and 5 days. She looked at me and smiled, saying he was truly a miracle baby. He still takes some meds and has horrible reflux, but I believe everything happens for a reason and this baby boy has no idea how much he is loved by mom and dad 💙 He is much stronger than we thought. Nothing can stop him 💙

****6 months and 17 days later after my baby boy was born 💙💙💙

Thank you God for our biggest blessing 💙 that smile melts my heart every time.