Athena Lynn is here!


Early in my pregnancy I had high blood pressure. It lasted almost my whole first trimester. When I hit my 2nd trimester it was normal and stayed that way throughout my pregnancy. Because of my "high blood pressure" and weight the dr wanted to induce me. I was far from thrilled, but whatever needed to happen for a safe delivery. I went in on Friday the 19, 5 days before my due date. I was induced and labored for 37 hours. They gave me my epidural after 20 hours and I got to 5 centimeters. the pitocin wasn't helping much more and baby's heart was going up and down. The doctors came in and told me they wanted to do a c section. I really didn't want it, but for the safety of my child I was willing to do anything. They wheeled me in and got her out! She was sunny side up! I heard the anesthesiologist yell 2:03 am & I said what, is she here?! She was here and the doctors commented how cute she was as they pulled her out. My husband went to watch her be weighed and cleaned. I told one of the doctors I was really tired & he told me it would probably be best if I slept. So, while they stitched me up, I snored away! The nurse put the baby on my chest and it was love at first sight! Athena Lynn was born 10/21 at 2:03 am weighing in at 8 lb 5 oz and 20.5 inches long! She is the most amazing little girl and my husband and I are so thankful!!!

Congratulations to all you mamas out there getting ready to have your baby! No matter how baby comes, it will be amazing and beautiful and it will be your experience! Also, get the epidural! Always get the epidural! It does not hurt getting the shot. Other moms scared the bejeezus out of me about it and I was petrified. I got it anyways and am so thankful I did! Piece of cake and made the whole experience soooo much better! Get the epidural!