Woke up Saturday morning at 8:30 am

Woke up Saturday morning at 8:30 am. When I stood up to go to the bathroom, I had a steady trickle of fluid down my leg. I wasn’t sure if my water broke or it was just discharge, do I sat down and stood up a few times but the trickle didn’t go away. Headed to the hospital and sure enough, tested positive for amniotic fluid! They started me on antibiotics for GBS around 10:45 and pitocin at 1 because no painful contractions.  Around 3:30 the doctor examined me and I still had a forebag of waters intact, which was preventing progress. She broke them and I felt another gush of fluid. After that contractions really started! I got an epidural around 6, and baby Wesley was born at 10:56 after 45 minutes of active pushing. Baby #1 and he’s perfect!!!