You couldn't of fucking asked?!


So this year I decided I was going to take a 14+ hour road trip back home in the middle of december with my daughters to see family for christmas. we'll be there for 3-4 WEEKS, not days, WEEKS. I want everyone to meet my 6 MONTH old TWIN daughters. I will have no help from my husband as he is out on a ship for the next 6+ months thanks to the navy. my mom is flying up to help me get down there. now my husbands family in small in goes his grandparents, his aunt, his dad & step mom, his bother & his brothers very pregnat girlfriend who is still in highschool, but that's another story. all of them live in the same town. also with the exception of his father and step mother they meet up once a week to talk. now the drama comes with this. My grandmother in law is planning a big ol' christmas party with all of the kids and grandkids. on the 1st of december. but wait she hates her son so she probably won't invite him and his wife. her eldest grandson isn't state side. so it'll be one grandkid and one kid. she couldn't of asked when I was coming before planning a date. heck I knew a rough time frame three months ago. this isn't a surprise that I'm coming down. I mean it's not like I live 14+ hours away so such a party would proably best if planned in a time frame I could attend. I'm telling my father in law about the date so maybe she'll think twice before faking sadness about me not being able to attend something like that.