Still grieving.


I’ve been seeing someone for 8 months and it Turns out has a GIRLFRIEND and they’ve been dating for months! On Oct. 15th, I got a text from a total stranger on Instagram calling me a bitch and said that they’ve been dating since JULY and that I’m the reason they broke up. He lied to her AND me, he told her that he was alone, then he changed the story and said he never hooked up with me when we were in LA and Vegas, which wasn’t true. I had a pregnancy scare after that vacation, and unfortunately, a miscarriage. I saw her name on his phone when we were in Vegas and I asked who she was. He lied to my face and he told me she’s a friend of his from NJ, but that’s a lie. She’s from TAIWAN! She was in Hawaii for school and went back to Taiwan last month. While he was talking to me for the five months we went without seeing each other, (I visited him in Hawaii in March, because he’s in the Marines) he was on Tinder and met her and God knows who else. He lied to my face the whole vacation saying he loves me, and only me. We’ve talked about hanging out and possibly dating when he comes back to NJ (He’s deciding to stay there instead of coming back to NJ) Oh and I told him I almost relapsed and HE TOLD HER! He told her I’m a cutter. That was NOT his place to do that. I’m just a mess right now. He’s the first guy I’ve been interested in dating in a very long time. I’m seriously a mess. I did have a relapse (I scratched myself and they went away after a day) and I’ve contemplated doing more than relapsing. I went out for a joy ride in the middle of the night and I thought about crashing my car. He called me and talked me out of it. The next day, he told her that too!! I feel like he’s been lying to me since February when we met and turns out he did. I reached out to another girl he was involved with and he did the exact same thing. The other girl he screwed over, he dumped her when he met me! He met this girl and his “gf” on Tinder. He’s a freaking man-whore! I’ve never had anyone treat me so badly.