My house is haunted!! 😳 *updated*

Taylor • 💙💖💙

***Sorry kinda long***...

• Y’all 😳 okay stay with me because this is long but it gets better as you read. So idk if this is anything paranormal or what but weird things have been happening. And idk what else it could be if it’s not paranormal. I’ve had things happen since I was very little but for awhile now I haven’t had anything happen. Untilllll recently.

• So me and my fiancé have a 6 month old 👶🏼 and we just moved houses. We actually got a good deal on a house right beside my mom and are only living here until we can save some money to get a house built.

• Anyways, my mom has also had paranormal things happen to her since she was little. And things happen in the house she’s in now all the time (seeing things like actual people walking, specifically the same girl. And hearing things) We were staying with her for a couple weeks while we were finishing getting all of our things into our new house. And this is where things start getting weird 😳..

• Not too long after we moved in things started happening with our baby’s stuff. This has happened a couple times but I remember specifically one time we were looking EVERYWHERE for his pacifier. We moved all the blankets off the bed first and didn’t find it. Felt around the bed didn’t find it. Then started looking other places. When we couldn’t find it anywhere we went back to the bedroom and it was laying right in the MIDDLE of the bed. Keep in mind all the blankets were off so if it were there in the middle of the bed the whole time we would have seen it before going and looking other places. I honestly didn’t think it was too weird at first but still had this weird feeling deep in me like I knew for a fact it wasn’t there and that something weird was going on.

• Okay.. moving on from that a couple days go by and things start happening with his bottles.. When I went to go pick up one of his bottles the nipple part was completely inverted.. like someone forcefully pushed the nipple inwards. My 6 month old can definitely NOT do that and plus he’s in my eye sight at all times and I definitely would have seen him do that. Plus when he’s done with a bottle I grab it and put it somewhere else. I told my mom about it and she just told me to keep an extra eye out when I grab the bottles to make sure they weren’t already like that before I grabbed it to put it away. But we both knew it wasn’t because I clearly remember from earlier it was upright. So I think maybe it was the next day that she had her own experience with it. One of his bottles was in her bed from when he was drinking it earlier and she went in there to lay down and watch tv. She picked it up and put it on her night stand next to her. Not too long after I went in to get it because I was getting all of his bottles to wash them. When I went to get it the freaking nipple was INVERTED. I was like the nipple is pushed in again was it like this when you grabbed it to put it up? She looked at me and was like no.. I know for a fact it wasn’t and idk how it got like that I’ve been right here the whole time so nobody’s touched it. We were a little freaked out but I honestly just brushed it off.

• Alright, so obviously we were ready to get out because already knowing the other stuff that goes on in the house I didn’t want my baby near that kind of stuff. So we’re in our house now. All this weird stuff is over and done and we’re good now. HA. Not 😐.

• Everything was fine for awhile but things started to get weird here too. Again, here we go with the PACIFIERS! 😩. I remember looking everywhere for his paci (he has 4) and couldn’t find the one he was using earlier so I just gave him another. Oh and yes, I def looked in the bed and felt around the bed, couldn’t find it 🙄. Later on I found it.. guess where it was? 😁 mhmm... in the bed. Oh but that’s not all 🙃 not only was it in the bed... it was UNDER THE FITTED SHEET. Y’all please tell how how tf it got under the SHEET when we haven’t taken the sheet off. PLEASE tell me 🙃 I’m going crazy 😂 not only has that happened once to me, but it’s happened twice. I never told my fiancé about it but the other night we lost his paci again and he said guess where I found it, I asked him where and he said under the sheet... 🤦🏼‍♀️ that’s 3 different pacis now.

• Here’s where it gets reallyyy interesting 🙂. Last night, I went to take a shower and when I went I closed our bedroom door. Our blinds were also up so I closed them and made sure they were all the way down and closed bc obv I don’t want anyone to see me naked. I took a shower and everything was good, i started getting dressed and in the middle of getting dressed our bedroom door flew open. I didn’t even pay it any attention bc I really thought it was my fiancé So I just continued getting dressed but then he yelled from the living room and asked if I just opened that and I was like no I thought you did? He told he he’s been sitting in his recliner the whole time playing with the baby and didn’t even touch the door. (The door was COMPLETELY closed I know for sure) we both we really freaked out and I just hurried up and finished getting dressed so I could get out of there but then I seen something.. the blinds. One of the blinds was pulled up half way. Like you know when you can pull on one side of the string and one side of the blinds will be up and it will be lopsided? Yeah that’s how it was... and I know for SURE I pulled them down allllll the way.

• Y’all please tell me I’m not crazy 😂🤦🏼‍♀️ if anything else happened I will keep y’all updated 😬 HOPEFULLY nothing else will happen.. but I really doubt that. If you were able to read through all this thanks for keeping up 😬🤣