Stuffed animal is mean?

Sam • 👶🏻 Sept ‘16 / 👶🏻 May ‘19

My son turned 2 in September and he has a stuffed panda, his lovey, they go everywhere together. Recently Panda has gotten a little mean apparently... my son presses Panda against his arm or his chest and basically tattles on him and says to me, “Panda is scratching me!” or “Panda is hurting me!” I say “why are you being mean Panda?” and then my son is back to hugging his toy. It’s totally out of the blue multiple times per day. Is this normal? I never experienced it with my baby sisters but they had siblings to tell on their whole lives, so maybe it’s an only child thing. He goes to daycare but I never hear about anyone being mean to him or him being mean to anyone else. He’s not upset when Panda is mean, he acts like it’s a game between all of us. It’s weird to me and my husband is sometimes worried by it.