Had my baby girl now the pain


Sorry kinda long*** I kept getting up all night Friday to pee, I was losing mucus from Wednesday to Friday. The last 3x Saturday morning I felt it hush out of me. The last I stood up and felt a trickle down my leg and a puddle and severe contractions. So I called my doctor @ 6am he told me to come straight to labor and delivery. By the time my mom got to my house the pain was real got thim the hospital for them to tell me I was only 2cm and my water didn’t completely break but it was bulging so I got an epidural because of how much pain I was in already and they broke my water. I jumped from 2 to 6 quickly then finally made it to 9. So they were prepping but I never made it past 9. They actually was shocked when they said my uterus is swelling and I was going backwards. By this time I was once again like my first having complications with the epidural and I started having severe back pain and cld feel my contractions so they kept pumping me with it but my back just got worse but everything else was numb. I cldnt take it I was crying so hard and just wanted it to end. I was totally against having a csection done as a was with my first. But this time there was no other option I begged him for one. My doctor said he didn’t think she would fit thru because of her size and my swelling. So I was rushed into the or. I immediately started crying, I was so scared and started to panic. They got her out and as they was trying to put me back together I had a panic attack crying,shaking and puking. Thank god the set of doctors I had were good with my situation and panic attack ect. My mom said it was a mess the amount of blood but she was beautiful. The last thing I remember was the one doctor rubbing my head and telling me it was going to be ok. I knew going in that I wldnt see her immediately because she had pooped in the sac and the pediatricians would need to c her. My mom told me today that they ended up sedating me. She was holding my daughter and told me to look when she realized I didn’t respond and questioned the doctors and that’s when they told her. After being brought back to my room I wouldn’t stop bleeding and passing huge amounts of clots so they ended up having to give me a shot because my uterus wouldn’t tighten and that was causing me to bleed. I ended up losing a lot of blood. I am home now thank god with my baby but in severe pain. I hope this heals fast. I have so much swelling and edema both my deliveries were hard and traumatic but in the end I ended up with two beautiful children.