

Hi. I’m 27 years old, married for 5 years, have been “trying” for over a year, and not using any birth control or protection for almost two years. My cycle length has been pretty irregular the past few months but it’s generally an average of 29 days. I’ve been light cramping today (9 DPO) so of course I’m obsessing over whether this is implantation or not. Supposed to start in 5 days (Nov 4) according to Glow. I’m probably not going to test until 2 days before because that’s when I have to start taking my large amount of Ibuprofen -per doctor’s orders- to save me from AF.

I’ve already had a dye test and my husband has been checked out -he has a low count but not no count. Anyways that’s me 👋 if anyone is in the same boat.