New or old?!


Needing some opinions! Will put pics in comments.

So on 10/8/18; I had blood work done and my HCG was 31, I was miscarrying, bleeding started 10/9/18.

2 days later I saw my OB, he said complete miscarrige, saw no tissue on Ultrasound. Told me once I stopped bleeding, start trying again. The bleeding stopped on the morning of the 13th, only a drop here and there on the 14th. I have had unprotected sex since then and gotten a positive OPK on the 24th! It’s now the 31st and i know way to early it seems to test but I did. Twice! FMU and then 3 hours later and both faint positives!! New pregnancy so soon? Or maybe Old HCG still, when my doctor said his tests were back to negative for pregnancy at time of appointment?