PROVERA 10 mg. What is it used for??????


Hello, I went had myself check since I been trying to get pregnant for 1 year with no luck. I had an ultrasound done. My eggs are fine, a little small multiple eggs. Everything seems to be ok. However, he noticed my cervix is titled or backward. He asked if I noticed blood clot in cycle. I said a little. He advised me to start sleeping on my stomach to help the blood flow better. He stated this is nothing that would prevent you from becoming pregnant. He also noticed my cervix is a little roted. He stated that was normal as we age. He prescribed cream for some of the batercia around the cervix(no STD). He would not give me a script for Clomid since I told him I ovalate on my own. Damn, I wanted clomid. I think it will really give me the fertility boost. Long story short, he prescribed Provera 10 mg for 10-14 days. But I have a normal period every month. Just a little confused. Wondering if the Provera will help with hormones to hold a pregnancy? What are you ladies thoughts? Will the Provera help with possible pregnancy?