Sadness, warning, long and boring


I am 38 weeks pregnant with my second. A lot has happened in the last year+. Lately I feel incredibly alone. I don’t have friends because when I moved to the town I lived in with my ex and was a SAHM to his kids because they were troubled and needed someone at home 24/7 and their dad worked a LOT so I didn’t go out to socialize or anything. A few years after the move he cheated, how he became my ex. Well, I ended up getting a job and meeting my current husband (we did not meet at work, it was actually online). I tried connecting with his friends wives but they’ve all known each other since high school and they are a bit older than me so it wasn’t easy and now because we have young children and they don’t so it just doesn’t work.

Last July my mom passed away and we were close so that was very difficult and still is. The rest of my family aren’t involved in my life (that’s their fault not mine).

I have a few people that I communicate with mostly via text but recently (most recently as of yesterday) I sent multiple people texts but nobody responded, at all. I do realize that people are busy and have lives, I do myself but I also know it doesn’t take that long to respond to a text.

My husband and I just relocated to be closer to his son from a previous relationship and I’m a SAHM again to our toddler and soon to be newborn so getting a job isn’t really an option. We literally just moved 2 weeks ago so my focus has been on getting ready for the baby (so much to do when you just moved!).

Everything I think just kind of hit me and I feel so alone, I know I have my children but it’s not what I’m referring to here. I guess I just needed to get this out, if you’ve made it this far, thank you.