So confused


I posted this in the group ttc in your 40s and got nothing on post. I was hoping to get something here??

A little back story I posted a while back—-

I'm staring to lose hope. I turned 41 on Feb 15. I've been TTC baby #1 for over 2 yrs. I had a D & C and hysteroscopy surgery in May 2016. Once we got the ok to try again in June 2016, we started trying again with no luck so far. We think we had a miscarriage since then before we even knew we were pg. it’s so hard.

I have not had a period since August 2018. I have done a few at home test and even had a blood pg test done at dr and all are negative.

Could I be pg even with all the negative test????

Since post a had a few days of spotting only when I wipe a few times. Could that have been implantation bleeding and I am now pg since getting bloodwork done. I’ve been very nauseous and super tired all the time.