Becoming a SAHM


I just finished my last day of work and am very excited about that, but there's a part of me that is dreading being financially reliable on my SO. I've always had a job, or 2, or at some points 3 to keep myself independent. Financially I know that he can support our new (Due Dec. 9th) family but I also have this voice screaming in my head about relying on a man and not having a source of my own income to fall on 'just in case.' Is it normal to feel this way in the beginning? It was my SO's idea for me to stay home and I want nothing more than to raise my son and the siblings that come after. We are both head over heels excited and our relationship is amazing and stable, so why do I feel like this? Is it my stubborn independence? Will I grow out of it? Did you feel like this in the beginning?