Starting to think I’m crazy!

Alicia • Wife. Momma. RN. Recurrent miscarriage survivor #iam1in4. Secondary infertility survivor #iam1in8

Guys- I think I’m actually losing my mind....

In September I was put on bc while doing some test for recurrent miscarriage- at the end of the month I had a very heavy cycle. I have not been on bc this month and only had spotting for a few days- no cramping or anything which is very unusual for me in all my years of cycling. I have been on/off bc before and never had this just spotting after having a normal cycle the previous month. I’ve tested a couple times and they all come back negative.

As of this coming Friday I am one week without a “normal” cycle. I called the ob/gyn office today and spoke with the on call Rn and all she said was retest in 10 days- this may be common the first cycle after bc since it keeps your lining thin- but this isn’t the first month, it’s the second. Any advice? I feel like I’m going to go insane! I don’t want to get too hopeful that I am pregnant just to find out I’m not but at the same time I want to know if I am!

Some one help me 😂😂