Scared to announce pregnancy after miscarriages


Hi everyone

So here is a bit of my history. I’m 30 years old, don’t have any children and have had three miscarriages over the last year and a half.

I have been married for 6 years and was diagnosed with a micro pituitary brain tumour two years ago.

We have been for just about every test under the sun and all results came back within normal ranges.

I am pregnant again. We were really happy to have another chance at a baby- but when you’ve had recurrent miscarriages it does take away from my ability to totally let go and be fully excited.

So far, this pregnancy has been different. We’ve already had three scans, and each time the baby has measured the right size and the pregnancy seems to be healthy. I’m just over 12 weeks now but still a bit reluctant to announce in case anything goes wrong. I just can’t imagine the heartache of telling everyone and then losing the baby.