Boyfriend putting pain onto me!

I’m in a LDR with my boyfriend of 10 months. He lives about 12 hours away from me because he goes to college out of state. He hates it there and wants to transfer because he has no friends and doesn’t mesh well with the people there. He’s a feminist and it’s a male dominant school filled with male chauvinistic pigs as he would call them. He is currently struggling with his grades (everything is a B or B-) and he is extremely stressed out. I want to help him so badly, but I really can’t no matter how hard I try. It has come to the point where I get a little nervous to pick up the phone when he calls because I know there is a good chance he’s freaking out or upset by something. It’s just getting to be a lot, and I suffer from anxiety and depression so I know that this constant negativity is not good for me. Sometimes he even gets short with me when I try to problem solve with him. We used to be extremely excellent at communication and now it feels like there is a barrier. I feel his pain loud and clear and I personally really want him to do well. When he tells me about his struggling I feel very stressed out myself but I for the most part keep a brave face on. I feel guilty for being tired because I love him so much, but he complains all of the time and whines all of the time and isn’t taking my advice. I’m committed to him so there is no way I’m breaking up with him, but I am stressed and wondering if there is anything I could do or if any of you have had a similar situation where you succeeded? I’d really appreciate the advice.