Fingers crossed 🤞🏻


Hello all! My husband and I are TTC for #2. I got off my BC after the pharmacy filled it late for me and I started a second time back in September. So I have been off of BC since 09/19 of this year. That was also the start of my last period. I have PCOS and hashimotos thyroid disorder. With my last baby, it took us 18 months to get pregnant. That was using 5 rounds of failed clomid (it only made me crazy), the use of Provera to start my period each month and help me ovulate, after the 5th round of clomid I was ready to give up so my dr put me on BC for two months then finally femera which that finally did it and I got pregnant that round. So, with my period not showing back up and after multiple negative HPT I went ahead and got a hold of my dr. I let her know what was going on and asked for her to put me on the Provera to start out with since that will help me ovulate, or should. So, I’m on day 2/10 on that medicine and I have my fingers crossed. Has anyone had Provera alone to help them ovulate and have success?? Sorry for the long post.