Mad at my RE office... TMI

Nicole • Wishing and praying for #1 for 11 years now.

So... I just started going to this RE middle of last month. Consult...testing...everything has been great with them. They were calling a day or two after to see if I had questions or how we were doing..loved it. The RE himself has even called us twice at 730 at night. Once to let is know my husbands tests result were back and wonderful, the other he had concerns about my test and wanted me to come in the next morning for another. So great!!!

Now. This last visit he does a biopsy and prescribes me provera says ill bleed from biopsy a little and then should start a week or so after I finish the provera. I tell him I have been on it before and I started before finishing to warn him. He says call when you start to then schedule the next testing.....

Here's where I'm mad. This was the 23rd for starting and biopsy...ill bleed from biopsy tues wed and Thursday it finishes. Friday night I start heavy through Saturday and then Sunday its gone until Monday evening. Weird I know. Monday it comes back full blown and strong since then. I called Monday, hoping for results and trying to find out how he wanted to count my day 1 or if that would just be considered part of the bleeding from biopsy. The nurse says shell find out and call back....nothing. Monday night its back so Tuesday I call again...get voicemail...Wednesday I get a call back...explain all of this to a nurse again she says she'll find out we need to do bloodwork asap and call me back....again nothing. I called back before they closed...voicemail. So now Thursday oh its too late....come in Tuesday to find out results of biopsy and go from there. Urgh...

Thanks for the vent session though.