
Okay so, when i was 17 yrs old i had a best friend who mother worshipped the santa muerte, to make a long story short, the mother ended up doing witchcraft on me. i went to 2 different readers trying to get rid of what she did to me. Bad luck followed, got in accidents, doors were being closed, got arrested, got raped, started drinking a lot, i was hardly ever home, couldn’t remember a conversation i would have with someone 10 minutes later.

the 1st reader i went to was a aura reader, this lady ended up making me have a psychotic break down telling me that i slept walked one night & digged some letters in the ground & made a promise to the other lady saint, which was the promise of my first child. i end up going to another ready a year later

Now the 2nd reader was totally different, he was a healer & he told me they did do something bad to me, that the best friend i had mom went to a grave, craved my name on a tomb with some of my personal belongings. so i told him to cure me, he made me drink liquids that i bought & made me vomit everything i drank out, i literally threw up half a gallon when i thick black snake came out my mouth & fell into a bucket. the man said i had 2 more snakes inside of me. one was in my brain, heart & stomach. so we ended up taking the other 2 out...

I went through this battle for 4 years. i had these snakes growing inside of me for 3 years, i knew deep down they did something dark to me, i tried to keep my faith & pray that one day God was going to help me & break chains they had wrapped around me, but i felt like my prayers were never answer. I had to go to a healer to take out the demonic snakes they put inside me. these are snakes i saw come out my mouth with my own eyes. i felt hurt. abandoned. & now when someone speaks about God i don’t say a word.

But sadly, i am a reader as well... I can look a someone & see what’s going on in their lives, i can see if they’re filled with hate or if they’re someone who is filled with light, i can see a stranger personality & know their darkest secrets... I can know when something bad is about to happen or even if i’m about to get a lot of money coming my way. i use to think of it as a blessing. but now i just think of it as a curse bc i can use this gift to do good or bad. i can turn into the person who put those snakes in me or i can be a person who takes demonic things out of people. but it’s so hard. sometimes i wish i was normal, it makes me not wanna have any spiritual connection bc the only spiritual connection i want to do is light candles & do cleanses & that’s too much responsibility for me to take on after what happened to me...