35 weeks Less movement/ long post


UPDATE below.....

So I am 35 wks (well a few days shy). I’m measuring a couple weeks ahead. I had a Dr appointment yesterday, a regular appointment, vitals and baby’s heartbeat. Baby’s heartbeat was 138 and it seemed to take forever to hear it.. but the dr didn’t say much. He did ask about the kick count which I have been doing and have been going well. We call her our dancer 💃🏻! I have had some serious back pain from sciatica, unable to walk that great and I did mention that too. Dr told me to use a heating pad which seemed to help. My next ultrasound is not until Nov 20 which seems far away. Today though, the baby was moving this morning but hasn’t really moved since. I know they slow down towards the end but i feel like it was abrupt. I am a little concerned. I guess I’m just wondering if it would be silly to go get checked or is there something I can do besides drink water and lay in the left side etc? My last pregnancy was 11 years ago and she had the cord wrapped around her neck- luckily my water broke spontaneously they told me if it hadn’t she wouldn’t be here today.... Anyways those are my worries and concerns... My husband doesn’t get home until later. If you made it this far I appreciate you reading my worries. I let a friend know and they just think I’m overreacting. Maybe I am lol. Thank you again for reading this book !

UPDATE: So I drank some water, had a few Hershey kisses and some ginger ale. I was able to get her to dance again but it feels way lower this time.. not sure if she’s getting ready to make her grand entrance but she did move the 10 times in the hour. (Just making it) The second hour I was monitoring was slightly less. I will be watching closely because now I’m a worried mama! If this happens tomorrow I’m not going to monitor it myself I will be going in. I truly thank you ladies for the advice and will keep you updated. 🤗💛