Please help 😢

Lauren • RN 🩺 recurrent unexplained losses 💔 12.6.20 🌈👶🏻💙 FET baby girl born 11.4.22 💕✨ baby #3 EDD 8.17.24 💚

I am so depressed and so discouraged and I’ve just about given up hope. I know AF hasn’t shown up yet and I’m “only” 8dpo, but I know it’s not my month... again. I have all my usual pre-AF symptoms. I could have sworn I was implanting 2 days ago- I never have cramps that early in my cycle, but this month, I did. So I tested this morning... BFN... idk why I expected anything different. I don’t want to go through this anymore. We’ve “only” been trying for 7 cycles, but we’ve had at least one chemical (I’m pretty sure it was two), and I don’t think I’m mentally and emotionally strong enough to do this month after month anymore. I’m beginning to resent myself, my husband, my fertile Myrtle friends, and my gyn (for so many different ridiculous reasons) and I just don’t want this to all turn to hatred. I’m beating myself up pretty badly over this; I feel like I’m letting everyone down. At what point do you just give up? Do you really have to wait a year if you’re under 35 (I’m 31) before seeking help? I want a child so badly, but I’m beginning to think that if I’m not strong enough to do this, then I definitely won’t be strong enough to be a mom. Thank you all for letting me rant.

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Posted at
Any update hun?


Lauren • Nov 8, 2018
So AF came today, as expected. I have an appt with a new gyn in 2 weeks and my husband with a urologist (he has a history of surgery “down there”). I also started doing acupuncture which is excellent!


Posted at
Stay positive, girl! Early signs of pregnancy can be very similar to PMS “symptoms”. Baby dust on your way ✨✨✨


Posted at
I’m so sorry girl. I feel you. I’m 31 and we started trying 19 months ago bi had a chemical December and a blighted ovum in March with no period for 6 months after! I don’t think you have to wait for a year maybe a RE will see you sooner. Just call and ask. The worse they will say is no.


Dannielle • Nov 7, 2018
I test today and BFN. 10DPO 😔😢💔


Lauren • Nov 3, 2018
I think I’m going to call if AF does show this month. I’m sorry you’re going through this. It is just so awful.