Baking Soda gender test


Has anyone else done this? I know it is just for fun but I did it yesterday and it fizzed like crazy. I really want a boy so it's hard not to get too excited 😁


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Posted at
I did it three times and every time there was no reaction! Waiting for my sneakpeek results so we'll see soon!


Posted at
What is this test?!


Jasmine • Nov 5, 2018
I have never heard of this. Thanks for responding!


Sara • Nov 4, 2018
Mix urine and baking soda. If it fizzes its supposedly a boy and if it does nothing it's a girl. Just something fun to try


Posted at
I did this a few weeks ago and it didn't have any reaction at all indicating a girl! I did genetic testing I am having a girl!! I am very curious as to all the other old wives tales to see what results I get!


Posted at
I did it again this afternoon and it did nothing lol maybe bc I drank a bunch of water. 🤷‍♀️ still fun.. I'll try draino next 😂


Posted at
I had a friend do this test, it indicated she was having a boy, (not yet verified) her son then decided to do the test himself, apparently he is also carrying a boy!


Posted at
I did it a couple weeks ago, and it fizzed like crazy. According to research, it's only about 50% accurate.


Posted at
I did it with my first and it lever fizzed and she is a girl.This time it fizzled and we are hoping for a boy, so I hope it is accurate!