Poop pains or cramps??


This is TMI, I know. But seriously. How do you know the difference? I had spotting yesterday. My dr is having me come in on Monday. I wasnt cramping at first, just bleeding. So they said if you do start cramping this weekend go to the er. I woke up this morning in pain. I have been constipated lately and having what I call "poop pains" before bowl movements. Sometimes they're so bad I am screaming. But after the bowl movement, the pains stop. (I think I had undiagnosed IBS before getting pregnant). So now this morning I have already gone to the bathroom twice, but the pain is still going strong. It's on the left side of my abdomen. I honestly cant tell if this is miscarriage related and has to do with my bleeding yesterday or if I'm just constipated. How embarrassing would that be to go to the er for poop issues.

Do miscarriage cramps feel just like period cramps? Or are they worse? Any reason it would be on my left side?