Should I stay or go..?


So I've been with my husband for 9.5yrs, we've been married 4yrs & have a 2.5yr old daughter. He is my complete opposite in most aspects, which is why, before becoming parents, we balanced each other out well... he's very simple & optimistic (I mean that in an endearing way), whilst I overthink everything and can fall into low-moods. I'm a perfectionist, whilst he has no attention to detail. I enjoy talking theories & philosophy, whilst he talks about mubdane day to day tasks & sport. Up until 2 years ago, we would joke about our differences & recognise what we learn from each other, but I find parenting with him incredibly frustrating. He's an amazing father & carries out his fair share of household and childcare tasks, but the way he approaches everything now really irritates me & vice-versa... part of me wishes he actually wouldn't bother doing certain tasks as he so regularly messes them up (one example of many, he painted our conservatory door shut!) & when he knows something will irritate me, he tells petty lies to cover up, rather than being honest. After having my daughter, he took 14mths before touching me again, & sex has dwindled to a dull once a month event. He has also been engaging in flirty (although innocent enough) conversations with women at work, since we became parents. We tried counseling, but that got us nowhere. More recently, I now avoid spending time with him whenever I can, even though I know it'll just make the situation worse... I just can't stomach it. The idea of being alone raising our daughter by myself is scary (he wouldn't stay local), but I don't know how much longer I can continue feeling so unhappy. The worst part is he's not a bad person... I just find some things impossible to get over & forgive him for. Am I wrong to want to walk away from our marriage? After trying for over 18mths, is it time to move on?

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