Do you think I was late?

Kathryn • So incredibly happily married to my best friend 🏂🐈🏄🏼‍♀️🎸🏕 Miscarriage at 6 weeks on 11/19... my birthday

I don’t test for ovulation (although I might start) but I’m thinking I ovulated WAY late (like later than cd 20).

I’m thinking this because:

-cycle day 20 I had a light spot of blood

-cycle days 20-22 I had twingy cramping in one ovary

-cycle days 18-22 I had really wet, watery discharge

-my cycle is usually 28 days but I’m 1 day late, with NO PMS signs, and I have a negative pregnancy test

Do y’all think my suspicion is correct? What can cause late ovulation? What day does it sound like I ovulated, to you?