Please help calm my head

Cristine • Psychologist and mom to be✨🤰🏻✨thru IVF.

Long long story short. We were about to start <a href="">IVF</a> back on 10/27/18. Was on provera from the 10/12 to 10/18 to bring on a period so I could start STIM injections. Blood work showed a 28 Hcg count with almost no progesterone. So they test me again and again.

10/28 - Hcg was at 44

10/29 - at 70

10/31 - 184

Nothing is showing up on the internal ultrasound which is why they think it’s ectopic.

Dr says, “ok well it’s multiplying so let’s do promefrim to boost the progesterone and see where this goes”.

My wandering mind is spinning. My husband and I had sex on 10/15 and 10/16. I’ve been checking the hcg levels using preggo tests just to get an idea on if I am getting higher or lower.

Could it be possible that it just took a longer amount of time for fertilization to occur and that my levels are just too low to see on an ultrasound yet?

I’ll know for sure tomorrow morning. One positive thing I’ll take with me is this has been the longest I’ve been pregnant while TTC for the past 14 months. We’ve had 2 chemical pregnancies and a failed <a href="">IUI</a> in April.

Anyone’s story would be of great comfort