I should have minded my business! 😩

My best friend has stopped talking to me, she abused the life out of me and exposed all my secrets. Why? Because I didn’t mind my business, I thought I was being a good friend. My best friend was spending all her money on music, but she really can’t sing. Our friends laugh at her behind her back and hype her in her front, telling her that she is the next Beyoncé. I called my best friend aside and told her that I love her so much, but music isn’t for her. I told her to please go back to school- she dropped school to go into music. She invested everything into music... it breaks my heart seeing her out so much into this music and it’s not taking her anywhere years on because she just can’t sing. She got upset, very upset and exposed my secret. She even went ahead to put my phone number on a looking for sex website. I am heartbroken but it is my fault. I should have just kept quiet


She told my husband about the abortion I did when I was 16. Nobody except her knew. Now this is causing problems with my husband and I