Starting sobbing at the grocery store today..

Chelsea • #1 due 03.2019

So on the way over to the store, my husband tells me we probably can't afford for me to get a new car right before the baby comes. This stressed me out because I drive a ten year old stick shift junker that I just don't feel like is safe for baby. I started to get upset only because I felt blindsided by the news and worried about putting the baby in my shitty car.

THEN he's talking about how we can save and get a car a couple months after the baby comes, and I'm like "how are we going to save money when I'm not being paid?" And he goes "What? Why aren't you being paid?"

Turns out, he thought my whole maternity leave was paid. And I had to break the news that short term disability is only going to cover 6 weeks at 70% of my salary. Then HE starts freaking out. He had no idea I wasn't going to be paid and has been doubling our mortgage payment monthly trying to pay off our house faster, and would have been putting that money away ha he known.

I felt terrible, he felt terrible, and in the middle of the produce aisle I just started sobbing because I felt like it was my fault he didn't know about my pay situation. But I swear we have talked about it before.

I'm so worried about our finances. And I don't know what to do to make it better. Obviously we're not making double mortgage payments anymore, but I really don't know how we're going to afford everything.