Should I allow my baby's Father into the delivery room?

laRican🍒 • Birthed My beautiful baby boy on Nov 20th 2018 🙏🏽

WARNING: Lots of cursing. 🙃

Long story short: He kicked My 9 MONTHS PREGNANT ASS out the house, at 9PM because I apparently was petty for calling a friend to take me to the store to get food off My WIC because He was bitching & complaining about taking Me. It's as if he snapped because I "stress him the fuck out." But no, what's stressing him out is He can't handle a pregnant woman with demands & standards for her son. He couldn't handle the pressure of providing for all of us & doing what a man should Do - Get Shit Done! So, he kicked Me out... & I Don't think he deserves to be in the delivery room 🤷🏽‍♀️

More detailed story: I'm 9 months pregnant (due November 26th) & I'm starting to get mentally, physically, and emotionally prepared to be a single mother at the age of 21. The father of my son & I recently broke up because he can't handle taking on the man's responsibility of providing a home for all of us. Mind you, we TTC our son in March & I got pregnant in March! So every since we found out I was pregnant, He kept saying He will have the house ready for us by the time our son arrives because, according to him, "9 months is a long time."

**Background about the house + pictures:

His mothers owns the house. Its a 4 bedroom, 1 & 1/2 bathroom house with 3 other roommates (2 men, 1 woman) renting out 3 of the 4 bedrooms. The house flooded in 2015 due to a pipe burst & this is what some of still it looks like now ... in 2018 ....... (pictures taken last week)

Nails sticking up out of the stairs ☝🏼

The sitting area next to what would of been our room with broken windows barded up with cardboard & plastic, along with old furniture his mother still hasn't moved out of the house ☝🏼

HIS room with his nasty ass clothes everywhere (on the floor & in the bags) ☝🏼

The broken back slide door thats "secured" with a metal bar ☝🏼

An open socket in his room ☝🏼

Holes in the ceiling ☝🏼

Oh, did I mention the house has RATS !?!? 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ So basically, he had ALL THIS TIME to make the house a healthy environment for us & most importantly, our son & he failed. He works a 8AM-6:30PM job. He goes to work Mon-Fri, right after work, He comes to the house & plays the game. During the weekends, he's either visiting his daughter, in the studio, or simply procrastinating on GETTING SHIT DONE.

So, after we argued, I got fed up & left. I told him from the beginning, when we found out I was pregnant, that if the house wasn't ready by the time our son arrived, we were going back to my mother's house. No my son isn't here yet, but I'm due in 3 weeks 😑 & he still sits on his ass like he has until November 26th to magically make shit right. (Which I know he's Not) What pissed Me off the most was that when we argued, He'd call me irresponsible & say that I Don't prioritize my time! When ALL THIS TIME I've been the one getting EVERYTHING our son needs. He has not spent ONE DIME on our son, yet He can drop money on weed & music & photo shoots!

Vent session: I feel so stupid 😔 I love my son more than I love myself but I hate That I put myself in this situation. Now every day I wake up & before I go to sleep, I cry because I have so much anger towards my baby's Father to the point where I don't want him in the delivery room when our son comes. I'm not suppose to be living with my mother, I'm suppose to be living with him, we're suppose to be a family! All I can say is, My Mom was right about him all along & I know its hurting her seeing Me this way every Day..... I'm hurting so badly on the inside, & I'll forever be sorry for bringing him into a broken home 😢.

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