Feeling hopeless


My husband and I ran off to get married this past February. We finally had our reception for it yesterday and everyone kept asking so when are the kids going to come. I just had to put on a smile and say well maybe soon. The truth is since 2016 we have been trying and through everything we just can’t get pregnant. It’s heartbreaking because when we go to the store we see these cute little families with their baby and he always looks at me and says I want that. I have tried and tried and it just doesn’t work anything we do. I know it hurts him every time Aunt Flo comes and I want to start a family with him. Goodness we are starting to run out of room for dogs. I am tired of feeling like it’s all my fault that we can’t have this family that me and him have dreamed of since we were teenagers. It honestly just makes me want to give up.