Birth control

I’m 16 and I am sexually active. I know it’s young but it is what it is. Anyways, I have really really bad periods; heavy flow, awful cramps, nausea, and all of the joys of a period. I was wondering if anyone knew of a clinic that provides free or low cost birth control. It would be to help regulate the severity of my periods and to help prevent unwanted pregnancies. I have asked my mother if I can start, but she says no (she doesn’t know I’m sexually active). Also, as of Friday night, the condom broke and I took Plan B 3 hours afterwards, but I would really rather not have to worry every single time I have sex. I would still use condoms, but having that extra barrier against pregnancy would be amazing.

There are no Planned Parenthood’s near me and the closest Women’s Clinic is 30 minutes away (ironically in the same town I go to college in) but I am not sure if they offer free or low cost birth control.

I really need help ladies, I am not ready for a baby and I need my periods to be easier to manage so I am able to get out of bed and go to class.

Also, I am from the state of Georgia, and I don’t know if abortions are legal (if the Plan B doesn’t work (please pray that it does)), but they are super expensive and I wouldn’t have a proper support group.

My boyfriend would be supportive in whatever we choose to do with it if we do end up pregnant, but he is going into the army soon and won’t be here often. But other than that, all of my friends and family are extremely religious and are against abortions.

Does anyone know anywhere that I can go to get help?