Custody Case


Today I dropped my daughter off to be spend the time with her sperm donor. He wasn’t there when I dropped her off as usual. But when I brought her back lunch, like she asked me too. When I take her in lunch he said

“I asked Grace to go get pizza and she said she isn’t allowed to leave with me. What’s that about?” I said it’s in the divorce papers that you are not allowed to leave with her without my permission. (Last Christmas <a href="">Eve</a> he took her to a bar). He said “Why” I said that I don’t feel comfortable with you leaving with her since you took her to a bar. His response was “we were playing pool, having fun.” He then started to blow up and I told Grace to please step outside. His phone was ringing and he pushes past us and went outside and got inside a silver impala. I told Grace to go inside. He said he was going to take me back to court, (I took him to court the first time and for the divorce) he was being volatile and wouldn’t talk to me in a calm manner. At this point with him growing increasingly more volatile and I couldn’t trust that he wasn’t going to take her and leave and with how volatile he was being...I can’t even think about worst case scenario. I made Grace give my mom and brother a kiss bye and put her in the car. He comes out in the middle of the street yelling and belittling me in front of her. I was trying to avoid her seeing/being around that. At that point we left with Grace and he hasn’t call my phone or text. We are in Ohio. I’ve already emailed our attorney. I was just wondering do you think I was right to take her and leave?

Some back story, Grace and I left him two years because he is an abusive alcoholic. He only gets supervised visitation at my mothers house for 5 hours on Sunday’s. And in our divorce papers it states he is not allowed to leave with Grace without mutual agreement from me. And I have voice recordings of Grace telling us he left and took her somewhere for the first few months, finally I got advice to start documenting everything and have been. This is some back story. If you made it through this, then I thank you. I’m honestly just looking for advice and seeing if anyone else has been through this, what they were able to do. I don’t want to take her back there. I don’t want her around him especially with how volatile he became today.