Anxiety Pre-Pregnancy...

So I’ll try to keep this short. Ive dealt with anxiety for the majority of my life and it’s mostly been related to doctors (aka white coat syndrome). I had a bad experience as a child following by another in college which was when it got bad. Now I let it fester and get worse for years...panic attacks, fainting, hyperventilating, the works. This was until about 2 years ago I crashed my car (luckily only a fender bender, no one was hurt) when I fainted from a panic attack. I found a fantastic doctor, was finally put on medication and my life has drastically improved. I’m happy and healthy. I haven’t fainted or had a panic attack since the accident, no more IBS issues (that seemed to be anxiety related as well), and overall stabilized. I finally was able to successfully have blood work done, which I’ve never been able to do. Now that I’m pregnant I’m having some serious concerns. My doctor lower my medication to try and minimize any risks to the baby because it’s just not safe for either of us to go off of it. It’s not all just “mind over matter” because I have very real physical reactions to my anxiety- increased pulse and BP, hyperventilating, fainting and overall hysterics I can’t control. I know actually giving birth will likely be traumatizing and I have my first ob appointment on Friday..anyone have any advice or similar experiences? How did your ob handle your anxiety disorder? Or was it just a shit show like I’m convincing myself it will be 🙈