TMI but help


So I think I have BV. I've had yellowish discharge for weeks. But discharge is normal for me in pregnancy and the dr said if there's no smell etc then I'm fine. Well today I started itching SO BAD. on the outside, not inside or anything. The discharge is still light yellow and yogurt like (I'm sorry, I know this is disgusting). So I'm worried I've had BV this whole time and didnt know! Now I'm worried about the baby. I know everything says it's dangerous for the baby. How long before it effects my pregnancy? Like does it do it fast or is it only if you let it go for a long time? I've never had it before. Anyone experience this? I'm also 29 weeks if that matters. I just dont want something to happen because I've put it off because I didnt know :( I'll call my dr in the morning I just need some peace of mind lol thanks!