After Miscarriage


Hi all!

First time posting here. Just to give a background story me and my husband had been trying to get pregnant for over 2 years. First we tried Naturally and nothing. I saw my doctor and she started me on Letrazol and no luck. Finally I decided to see a different doctor and she put me in clomid, and I

Got pregnant on my first time of clomid. September 5 found out I was expecting(5 weeks along), no

Bleeding Just cramping, everything within the normal. It wasn’t until my 8 week appointment I found out I had miscarried. It’s now been 1 month sine my D&C and No period yet.. I have been having intercourse without any protection in hopes I can conceive naturally. I have clomid ready to take again, however I don’t know if I show wait for my period because of the miscarriage or if should just take the clomid and hope for the best. Any advice will be greatly appreciate it!!!

Thank you in advance