Confusing bbt and opk results.. help!!!


Hello ladies, I am having the weirdest cycle and wondered if you could help me to understand the results.

I generally have irregular cycles that can be anywhere between 20 and 40 days (mostly 32/33 days). For that reason, I start opk testing immediately after my period stops. On CD12, with much of my surprise, my strip test came back positive. I tested with CB digital and CB advanced digital and they both showed peak..

I couldn’t believe my eyes, so tested with other 2 CB digital with the SAME sample and they showed negative!

Confused!!!! I checked my cervix and it was SHOW.. so I thought the first tests must have been right..As I am also charting bbt, I waited to see my temperature pattern and the day after temperature increased a lot, so I figured ov must have happened the day before, the positive tests must have been right and the two negative tests must have been bugged.. however I kept having cramps, so decided to keep testing with OPKs.. since yesterday they showed REALLY dark again and this morning my temperature dropped again below cover line! Took a CB digital which showed negative, but the strips are dark. I am really really confused!!! Any help out there to understand what’s going on??