Threatened miscarriage, my story as it’s happening

I started spotting last night, I’m 7 1/2 weeks pregnant. It’s Saturday so I can’t ring the doctors, what do I do??? 😓😓😓😓

Update- for anyone going through this. I went to CHOC (out of hours doctors) and they said to come in immediately. The Dr did general checks and a pregnancy test. He put me down for a scan (the hospital won’t do them on a weekend) next week. The blood is now dark brown, he said that’s a good sign. I’ll keep updating.

Update 2- so woke up today with more bleeding. It’s red again but only really there when I wipe. No clots yet 😬. It’s now Sunday so still have to wait until tomorrow to even book a scan. The waiting is terrible. I’m just hoping it doesn’t get heavier. Light cramps last night but no pain this morning.

Update 3- so some spotting again this morning. I spoke to the doctor and I’m booked in for a scan tomorrow morning. Nothing to be done until then. Anyone reading, wish me luck.

I don’t know if anyone is following this but I hope it can be of some help to someone in the future.

Update 4- SO... I’ve had my scan. I’ve seen my little blueberry, he’s in the right place and has a strong little heartbeat. Breathing a sigh of relief for now. The doctor says that there is a 90% chance my pregnancy will be absolutely fine but they must treat this as a threatened miscarriage. For now it’s just a waiting game. I was dated as 7 weeks (I thought more like 8 🤷‍♀️) next scan is December. The dr said there’s really nothing to do to avoid a miscarriage if it’s going to happen except no sex for 3/4 weeks 🙄.

Update 5- a week later... spotting again, dark brown now 😬

I can’t thank you all enough for you prayers and well wishes, it’s helped me so much xxx ❤️❤️

Update 6- so I’ve had my 8 week Midwife check and she was very positive saying this is very common especially with a 2nd, 3rd pregnancy (this is my second) She hasn’t put my pregnancy down as high risk and says to carry on as normal. Spotting is still off and on, (only really when I wipe) and is dark brown only and stringy (sorry tmi) it’s about every week now. Counting the days until the scan 🤞🤞🤞

Update 7- so no spotting for a few weeks now. I’m hoping it’s stopped 😬 feeling good and bump has definitely shown up!

Scan is in 2 weeks, still keeping my fingers crossed 🤞

LAST UPDATE I’ve had my 12 week scan. Everything was great, baby healthy and righT where he/she should be ❤️ I’m now 16 weeks and feeling great. Not all bleeds end in miscarriage guys!!!