I am sick and tired of boys, I would say men, but let's just be honest, they aren't men.
I am in a super happy committed relationship and I still get hit up by exes who have no respect and then they get all mad when you call them out on their shit. For example, one ex messaged me on snap chat and said hey wanna meet up. I ignored it. Then he messaged back saying just as friends. I said no, I do not want to meet up with you, I'm in a relationship and it's not something I have any interest in doing. Responds back with fine bitch don't message me again. 
Then I have this guy friend from high school who messages me occasionally asking how I am, how my family is, nothing more than a platonic friendship, or so I thought. Then yesterday he sends me a picture (which isn't uncommon because he sends me pictures of his daughter and him and his wife together etc) so I open it and it's him naked getting out of the shower and he says "do I look big" I said what the hell? Why did you do that? He said I'm just curious. I'm about to go give this to my wife and put baby #2 in her. Ummmm wtf. So I replied back with wow, thats incredibly disrespectful to me and your wife. He said my life don't care as long as I don't touch. I said are you sure? Did she tell you that? Because in my opinion if you are gonna say it you might as well be doing it? He said it's just all in fun. Even if you were standing naked in front of me I wouldn't touch you. Probably get a hard on but wouldn't touch. I'm like wow. Just wow. I said listen, this was a platonic relationship, your crossed a major line. You need to be honest with yourself. If you aren't happy in your marriage then you need to get that sorted out. Don't be trying for another baby if you are sending out dick pics to other girls. And if your wife doesn't know, and you think she doesn't care maybe you should ask her to make sure she doesn't. Because chances are she does. He said you know what? Fuck you. You don't know me. Bye. 
I'm just so tired of guys being disrespectful and treating us women like our opinion and feelings aren't valued. I'm seriously considering deleting all social media because I feel like it is such a relationship killer. 
Anyways, what about you guys? Do you gals get this stuff?