Trying to conceive after birth control

Cynthia • 31yrsOld|Married🤱🏻Bby#1 Sept ‘19|🐶🐱🐔🐓3 dogs,3 cats,10 hens&2Roosters

My husband and I are thinking we want to start trying for our first child in late December. I have been on birth control since forever (15 years maybe?). I’m on my non-active pills this week to start my period. Thinking about not starting a new pack up so I can start ovulating again. Has anyone been through this before? Anything I need to know? I am so nervous about not taking the pill because I never had a normal period. Any advice is welcome. Please share your experience. We would like to have a September baby because we are both September babies. This is a bit nerve racking for us. We haven’t really been financially stable enough to even consider having a child. We both have better jobs now and we both just turned 30. He feels we are going to regret it if we don’t. We have been married for over 7 years. I realize I’m not getting any younger and we both only have about 16 more years and we can retire from our jobs. If we are going to have one it should be soon!