TTC and Migraines

So I’m stuck in the middle of ttc and dealing with migraines. Hubby kind of wants to put a hold on ttc for baby #2 til I get my headaches under control. How sweet of him. My blood pressure is great, so it’s not that. My doctor doesn’t want to call my headaches migraines because she says they aren’t localized to one side. They start on one side by tend to migrate and then end up all over or cause neck pain, eye pain, etc. so my headaches begin at my jawline right under my ears, so she thinks it could be trigeminal neuralgia. We tried muscle relaxers and it didn’t do much. So, Friday she started me on a new medication called Topamax, which if anyone is familiar with is used for migraines and also for seizures. It’s a medication with many side effects and kinda scary if you do research on it. Plus side! I haven’t had a single headache. Negative: the taste of any carbonated beverage is completely flat, I feel nauseous, hardly ever hungry, I feel no sense of urgency to get things done but I also feel very forgetful among other things I’ve noticed as well. The thing I worry about most is that this medication can cause cleft lip and palate if we were to get pregnant. So, mamas out there dealing with migraines, what do you take that works to help with migraines that’s safe with ttc? I’ve tried fioricet and it really did nothing.. I have an appointment next week on Tuesday, I’d love some ideas of things I can bring up to her. Thanks!