Help?! Long read-sorta.

I’m not gonna give certain details, but here lately things seem to be rocky as hell with my boyfriend. The first month or two was fine. Arguments started around 2-3 months, which is when I stopped taking my birth control pills because I was on them 2 years. Anyways, I think I’ve been more bitchy and stuff since then because my body was used to the pill. It’s been 4 months since I’ve not took it. He threatens to leave me, but cums in me? And lastnight he said “I wouldn’t cum in you if I wasn’t gonna stay.” Like wtf 😭 please read the rest and help me.

Anyways. His sister and nanny LOVE his ex wife and she is always hanging around his house. (Which is why he doesn’t go home much.) He’s in the Army. He was gone for a month. & the night he came home his little sister wanted him to go home first because his EX was there. Which he didn’t go home, he came and got me and then we went to his house. Here lately he constantly threatens to leave. And he has no emotion at all when he says that. Like he doesn’t care. My ex went up to my work-place on Halloween. BUT he used to abuse me and a bunch of other shit. So my manager banned him from there & told my boyfriend that he was banned and had no reason at all to worry. However, he always brings up how I “invited” my ex to work. Which I DIDN’T! He threatens to go home more often and says he wants “alone time”. He constantly says I’m cheating on him and flirting with guys. And I don’t! I really don’t know what to do. He said after work he’s gonna “come get his things” so he can go have “alone time tonight” I don’t mind him wanting alone time. But why would he need his stuff? Plus we both constantly work. So it’s not like we are always with eachother. I don’t understand at all. Someone pleaseeee help me 😭😭 I don’t know what to do anymore. I don’t want him to leave or lose him. But I constantly feel like I’m fighting for him to stay or for his love lately...