Pillow problems

My husband switched to the guest room late last night.

I asked him why he left the bed this morning and he sort of low key blew up at me: "I CANT TAKE THE EXTRA PILLOWS ANYMORE"

I have to sleep with a pillow between my legs and one under my belly or else I roll on to my back and my back hurts too much (I am not a side sleeper). He knows this.

Ive ordered a maternity pillow but there are rotating postal strikes in Canada right now and it is taking forever to get here. I even ordered a small one to be considerate of his space in the bed. Now Im worried the maternity pillow will just make it worse for him 😢 I dont want to spend the next 5 months sleeping in seperate rooms but also I neeeeeeed the pillow/s. Im going to try sleeping on top of the comfortor tonight with my own blanket but does anyone have any suggestions? Or does he just need to suck it up?

When I sleep with the pillows I do not move the whole night. He however has sleep issues and sleep walks/talks/fidgits/restless legs all night. I actually sleep better with a barrier between us lol

*edit* Our bed is plenty big enough for both of us and the additional pillows, he just rolls and moves a lot. I sleep on the very edge and he rolls from his side to the middle, bumps into me, and then bounces back to the middle. He also steals the blankets and throws them on the floor all. Of. The. Time. I hardly ever get a full nights sleep because of it, and have talked to him about me sleeping in a seperate bed and he begged me not to. So I am kind of extra upset that now that he is the one with an issue, all of a sudden seperate beds is a good idea. I didnt mean to sounds harsh about him sucking it up.

*edit2* Last night I had my own blanket and slept on top of the comforter and we both slept awesome. Turns out it was never the pillows, it was because I have to sleep on my side so the blanket is higher up then normal, so everytime he rolled he would pull the comforter more and more to his side, and then it would stretch tight between us and would make a "tent". He has OCD so this is what was bothering him. I am 100% getting us our own twin sized blankets and hopefully this solves the problem. He actually did not roll a lot last night because I kind of kept him tucked in lol.

Also just an FYI, we decided a long time ago that we did not want seperate rooms so thats why we were looking for help. If that works for your relationship thats fine for you. Also sometimes things bother my husband that shouldnt because of his OCD and sometimes he actually does need to just get over it lol. Im not harsh to him in real life, we work on coping strategies together. Thank you for the suggesions.