Dumped by my OB @ 37 weeks?!!


Girls, I need some love. I'm so stressed out of my mind right now.... So, I was born with a heart condition that was repaired when I was a child. I still see a cardiologist yearly and have to use caution with extreme exertion, but overall, I'm very healthy.

I'm currently 37 weeks pregnant and last week my OB consulted with my cardiologist and decided that, because I have large babies (She's measuring 8 lbs already) and to avoid straining my heart, we'll induce this Thursday. No biggie. All my babies have been induced at 37-38 wks.

Well, last Thursday night, my OB called and said that one of the doctors in the practice went behind his back and decided that I was too high risk to deliver at their hospital and I would have to transfer downtown to a completely new practice.

Ya'll, I have letters from my cardiologist, anesthesia, and maternal fetal medicine saying I'm fine to deliver at the hospital where my OB works. I'm an RN and work there, but apparently the other OB in the practice held a secret meeting with all the PA's and nurses and has scared everyone out of their minds and they're afraid to touch me now.

So, at 37 wks, today I had to drive over an hour to the new OB and when I got to my appointment, they informed me that they don't accept mom's past 36 weeks and won't care for me! So I'm being left high and dry with no doctor! I seriously don't know what to do, but I'm angry. This feels like discrimination to me. I've had 5 totally normal, unmedicated (aside from pitocin) vaginal deliveries with zero complications. My last son was delivered at a birth center, so I honestly don't know what the problem is! (My husband is military, which is why I can't deliver the again)

Can anyone understand this??