17,pregnant and he ghosted

I’m honestly on the verge of a mental breakdown at this point.. I found out I was pregnant March of this year. I was scared but also excited to have a baby with the guy I thought loved me unconditionally. He was the best boyfriend. So loving and caring. Also such a gentlemen towards me. It felt like a DREAM!(He’s 19, I’m 17.) our relationship was perfect until I told him the news that I was pregnant.... he started acting completely different towards me... started being extremely rude and calling me all kind of horrible names. Would constantly tell me I “cheated” on him and the baby probably isn’t his... started telling me he wanted a paternity test immediately. I was shocked and hurt. But I just took all of his mental abuse.. one day he just ghosted me all together. Stopped checking up on me completely... I tried blowing up his phone... asking him why he was doing this to me.. he finally responded and told me I was a crazy bitch and just couldn’t deal with my shit. He’s tried texting me a few times throughout the pregnancy to make me think he wanted to get back with me... I would get so excited thinking he was going to be there for me... he just wanted to hookup. Then would ghost again for weeks.. it’s almost the end of my pregnancy.. I’m 36 weeks and have done this entire thing alone... I still have my hopes up for him and want him to be around 😞 i don’t know what to think at this point. I want to forget about him completely but it’s impossible.. any advice would be appreciated