So I had a baby last night!!


My mom has always been super negative about my pregnancies because hers were horrible.. she was sick the whole time, had to have a C-section, and had some sort of disease that caused her excruciating headaches while breastfeeding. So when I got pregnant with my son she pounded in my head that I would have to have a csection because I’m small, like her. That I wouldn’t be able to breast feed because I have small breasts and she doesn’t but she couldn’t so there’s “no way someone with smaller boobs would be able to.”

Well, I worked up until my due date. Went into the hospital, was ready for an epidural, and was having a blast being in labor... it wasn’t as bad as I thought and I was barely feeling any pain.. when it came time to push i put my hand down there and pushed him into my hand and then pulled him out myself.. pulling him into my chest where he immediately started to root for the breast. He latched and that was it... smooth sailing!

Well, When I became pregnant with my daughter I said that I would have the same delivery... I’m going to pull her out and rock this labor like nothing!!! Once again, my mother!!! “There’s no way you can do it like that AGAIN” “that was just a fluke” “since the last one was so good this one is going to be horrible”

WELLLLLL I proved her wrong!! I went in around 8 PM. Was so hydrated all of the nurses were talking about how awesome I was and how they’ve never seen such clear pee lol I spent the next few hours talking and joking with them..

Around midnight the contractions were pretty painful but I was pushing through.. once again the nurses were amazed with how well I was doing. Almost didn’t want to give me epidural because I didn’t look like I was in enough pain.. finally they did!! Around 3 something they wanted to do practice pushing, I joked about how I didn’t want to practice I wanted to get her out... well first practice push she was out! I grabbed her, put her up to my chest, she found my nipple and started eating... it was amazing and perfect and everything I wasn’t supposed to have (according to my mom). My husband was in absolute awe!!


Not really an update just a picture that I look really great in