Need Reassurance


Hey guys, I’m new here! I’m 18, in school to be a doula and having children is my #1 dream. Anyways:

I missed a birth control pill on the night before my ovulation day. My boyfriend flew home from college and we didn’t get back from the airport until 3am. I just totally forgot. I had a miscarriage in May at 8 weeks. Since he left, I’ve been feeling the EXACT SAME way I did last time I was pregnant. Here are some of my symptoms-

EXTREME fatigue. Something I’ve never experienced. I don’t even know how to put it into words.

Major bloating

Cramps- feeling crampy all day

I’m either starving to death or so full I don’t want to look at food

I’m having major joint pain. Super random places but it’s horrible in my hips. I’m also having pain in my pelvic region that I’ve never had before.

I had a “period” which I’m 95% sure was implantation bleeding. It started two days before my placebo week on BC, and 4 days before I usually start my period. (I’m very regular). It was very light brown, almost like some brown mixed with clear cervical mucus. It lasted for three hours that day. Three days later, I started spotting which was SUPER weird and lasted for 3 days. It was all in my period time but wasn’t a normal period.

I’m having food aversions and cravings. The other night I was craving Taco Bell so I got some and then got really sick after eating it. A few days before that, I felt like my life depended on me having a milkshake so I hopped out of the shower, put pajamas on (no bra, no shoes. Just socks) and got a milkshake. I went for sushi last night and couldn’t eat more than 3 pieces. There was tuna on it and the sight and smell of the tuna almost made me sick at the table.

To anyone reading this far, I appreciate it more than you know. I had negative pregnancy tests last week but I could put money on the fact I’m pregnant. I just KNOW. I feel crazy, but I KNOW even though the tests told me I’m not. I would be over the moon if it came back positive. I need some reassurance or opinions. If I’m not pregnant, I have no idea what’s going on and I will feel out of my mind. Again, thank you for dealing with my rambling and not wanting to block me 😂❤️